Thursday, 19 June 2014

Distance Energy Healing

Distance Energy Healing
Energy healing has been practiced for ages in many societies. The advent of long distance communications allowed us to stay in touch with relatives and friends that may live thousands of miles away from us. With

This modern freedom, at times we find ourselves in a situation where those persons are sick, recovering in a hospital, or going through a difficult period in their lives, and we can’t be physically present to provide the

Support we would like to.

If we are considering helping with non-physical energies (bioenergies, chi, prana), we can ask ourselves about distance energy healing: how it works, how to transmit it to another person, how long it takes, how

Would the other person receive it and finally about the healing process itself and the discernment.

Distance Energy healing is the answer to your problems. Distance Energy Healing is basically healing spiritually someone at a distance or remotely in another location (city, country) by a developed healer.

Distant healing has two principles.

First, the energy body of the healer and the client are both part of the earth’s energy body, thereby they are interconnected.

Secondly, energy follows thought. When the healer focuses his/her attention to the client, removal of diseased energy and replenishing of healthy energy is possible. Thus healing occurs.

In distant healing you are connected to the healer in the same manner you contact another person by a telephone or email. The energy bodies that outline the physical bodies of both have no barriers.

For distant healing a healer only need a picture of a patient or you can be in touch with the healer by a phone call.

This is a golden opportunity to learn new Energy Healing techniques. For registration and queries feel free to contact

Contact us: 9873186983

Friday, 6 June 2014

Fast Weight Loss

Fast Weight loss with Healing
As a culture, we believe that if you simply stop eating so much and just get more exercise, you can always lose weight. Personal trainers, nutritionists, and even well-intention healthcare practitioners relay this message to men and women every day. Weight loss, in the context of medicine, health or physical fitness, is a reduction of the total body mass, due to a mean loss of fluid, body fat or adipose tissue and/or lean mass, namely bones mineral deposits, muscle, tendon and other connective tissue. It can occur unintentionally due to an underlying disease or can arise from a conscious effort to improve an actual or perceived overweight or obese state. Therapeutic weight loss, in individuals who are overweight or obese, can decrease the likelihood of developing diseases such as diabetes, heart disease,high blood pressure, osteoarthritis, and certain types of cancer. While being overweight had been thought to be linked to stroke.

But now you don’t need to go on fasting or crash diets. Here I have a GOOD NEWS for you all. You can now reduce weight by HEALING. The fast weight loss which people manage to achieve in the beginning honey moon period of fancy and enthusiasm for the programs soon fades off when their old obstinate habit patterns start craving for the lifestyle that they had been living with for all these years of their life. And the craving soon goes so intense that it almost seems like being starving to them.

And my hypothesis worked fine when it started toning people’s bodies slimming them down at a real fast pace as they applied the basic principles of chakra healing through re-posturing their bodies for good, teaching them how to lose weight fast and then keep it lost forever in life. It just didn’t require any stringent low fat diets nor did it ever require any strenuous aerobic exercise regimen. And the body kept shedding fat at a pace that just looked like magic. They started to lose belly fat the very first, followed by fat on hips, then on thighs and then from over the rest of the body over all.
There is no need forcing yourself to eat low fat diet that you cannot maintain keeping eating lifelong as an organic way of a healthy lifestyle. Rather a well-balanced diet eaten with real interest and taste is what you need consuming like everyone else around. There is no need to follow any strenuous aerobic exercise regimen.

This is a golden opportunity to learn new Energy Healing techniques. For registration and queries feel free to contact

Contact us: 9873186983

Learn How To Heal

Heal Pain
Pain is an unpleasant feeling often caused by intense or damaging  stimuli in case of physical pain. It can also be a emotional pain because of some unpleasant moments.As said my many great people “The physical pain is part of life. When you start thinking about it, it is not physical pain at all; it has become psychological. Psychological means of the past ,future, never of the present. Mind never exists in the present. In the present reality exists, not the mind.”
Symptoms of illness and distress, plus your feelings about them, can be viewed as messengers coming to tell you something important about your body or about your mind ,self-regulation and balance. Your real challenge when you have symptoms is to see if you can listen to their message and really hear them and take them to heart, that is, make the connection fully”
Like cause of Asthma is due to fear , not attacked by germ ,virus. The symptoms of Asthma, as reported, can have a range of triggers, but they do not affect everyone in the same way. Attack of Asthma is an indication caused by the tightening of muscles around airways (bronchospasm). During attack, the lining of the airways also becomes swollen or inflamed and thicker mucus is produced. These factors are believed to be the cause of symptoms of Asthama. However, when one is aware of his body and mind, the accumulated fear is released .Thereby the body gets relaxed .That results in normal breathing to take place. So no more congestion and one is free from Asthma attack. It is curable without living on medicine for lifetime.
Management of pain is largely unmet. Meditation and Energy healing helps in connecting to true self. When one meditate or gets healing done, they get more aware of there body organ.  Mind is free from the thoughts, that is to say mind almost ceases to exist. In that stage, organ gets full attention.Thereby muscles take up the normal configuration, causing the release of pain, other emotions like fear etc.
There is no need for physical contact. Take charge of your life. The moment you change your perception is the moment you rewrite the chemistry of your body.

This is a golden opportunity to learn new Energy Healing techniques. For registration and queries feel free to contact

Contact us: 9873186983

Learn About Energy Vastu

Learn About Energy Vastu
Energy Vastu
Learn How Environmental Energies of different directions and formalities affect health, wealth and spirituality.

Learn  basics of Energy Vastu in a day which will help you make your life better.

Hidden secret directional Vastu know the exact origination points on the compass of Prosperity Energies and Spiritual Energies. These Directional Energies are not dependent on one’s birthday or calendar.
Use your hands to feel prosperity and health giving energies. Feel how the different directions are affecting your finances. You will be given live examples to validate the teachings. You will feel energy of different objects and room formations to find  their energies and how they affect you.
Tackle the optimal direction in the workplace to enhance your finances and business ventures with Prosperity Energies. Use the optimal direction in your home for enhancing your relationships.
Accelerate your spiritual development by meditating facing the right direction. Distillation of the World’s Secret Vastu Traditions. Thought Power Vastu. Learn a powerful technique to integrate the Mind and Space to quickly manifest the benefits of Vastu.
Use of Special Mirrors to increase the prosperity energies around you. Also, learn to use the appropriate mirrors to expel poverty/draining energies. Learn which directions will activate your energy centres to facilitate meditation and healing, and will bring financial abundance.
Learn what direction you should be facing during a business negotiation to optimize your chances of closing the deal and achieving success!

This is a golden opportunity to learn new Energy Healing techniques. For registration and queries feel free to contact

Contact us: 9873186983
